This Profile Highlight features one of our cofounders, Jelle! With a diverse background in IT business analysis and as a Data Strategist, where he developed data strategies and led projects from cloud platform migrations to machine learning initiatives, Jelle cofounded Latitude to create tangible solutions with data for real-world challenges. So let’s introduce Jelle:

1. How would your friends describe yourself in 3 words and why?

I hope that they would describe me as; involved, trustworthy and fun. I try to be as involved as possible with all my friends, which can sometimes be a challenge with all our busy lives 🙂


2. What sparked your interest in data consultancy? And what excites you about it?

I really enjoy diving deep into problems and finding root causes, and doing so in different environments and industries always keeps me interested. Connecting these issues to larger strategic goals in order to understand what an organization is doing and how that fits into their bigger picture is what excites me the most.

3. What is your expertise and what kind of industry attracts you the most?

My expertise lies in creating clarity out of abstract and complex business, technical, and people-oriented situations and problems. Translating these into a concrete vision and working with a team to achieve it is where my sweet spot lies. The industry itself is not super relevant to me in that sense. I enjoy it the most when the organization’s employees are connected to its customers and the product or service is something tangible.

4. What is one data trend you believe will significantly impact our industry in the next five years?

Well, the obvious one is something we all know by now, but what interests me is going one level deeper into how we interact with devices and software. I believe that the design of operating systems, code, and software will change in ways we can’t currently foresee.

5. How do you describe working at Latitude to your friends?

Fun, dynamic, and challenging! Particularly, having founded the company brings a different dimension and complexity to my day-to-day.

6. What technical achievement are you most proud about? (ELI 5)

I must say, revamping and migrating a bunch of ETL pipelines to the cloud for a client some years ago was a significant task. Since I’m not an engineer, this was something that I had never done before. However, it went quite well, and I enjoyed ‘just coding’ for once.